BRCS & Order of St John help the wounded 1915 fundraising badge BRCS & Order of St John help the wounded 1915 fundraising badge

BRCS & Order of St John help the wounded 1915 fundraising badge

A scarce original First World War period 'Red Cross & St John red printed celluloid tin button badge', bearing a white cross inscribed 'Help The Wounded' 'April 23 24 June'. Very good condition, complete with original pin fitting, colours remain bright, minimal foxing.
Diameter approx 22mm.
Published: Saturday 10 April 1915
Newspaper: Gloucestershire Echo.
RED CROSS BADGES. The authorised Red Cross badges which the public arc asked to wear between St. George’s Day (April 23) and St. John Day (June in sympathy'with the wounded, are now sale most of the bookstalls, tobacconists, and other retail shops. The badges will be sold seaay each, and half th© proceeds will swell the joint funds of the British Red Crows Society and the Order of St. John. It is not intended conduct any street sales of the badges in Loudon, but they will sold various Red Cross celebrations throughout the country. 'The badges bear the words 'Help the Wounded' and are a reminder of the most urgent of all funds.'
The British Journal of Nursing, April 17 1915, is quoted as saying:
The British Red Cross Society and the Order of St. John have initiated a new national movement, with a view to associating the members of the general public with their labours. St.George's Day will be celebrated on the 23rd inst., and St. John's Day on June 24th. It is hoped that in the period between these two dates authorised Red Cross badges will be generally worn. These badges will be sold at Id. each.

Code: 66522

25.00 GBP