3rd Inverness (Newfoundland) Battalion Home Guard cap badge 3rd Inverness (Newfoundland) Battalion Home Guard cap badge

3rd Inverness (Newfoundland) Battalion Home Guard cap badge

A rare original wartime period '3rd Inverness (Newfoundland) Battalion home guard field service badge', nickel silver circlet inscribed 'Newfoundland Forestry Unit' head of a 'Caribou' to voided centre, the reverse impressed with maker's details 'J.R.Gaunt London'. Very good condition, complete with original buttonhole horseshoe fitting.
Diameter 30mm.

The '3rd Inverness (Newfoundland) Battalion Home Guard Unit' was formed in September 1942 in the Scottish Highlands with a force of 700 men from the "Newfoundland Overseas Forestry Unit" who helped supply timber products critical to British coal mining operations. The unit disbanded at the end of 1944 with all other British Home Guard companies.
When hostilities ended in May 1945 'Newfoundland Overseas Forestry Unit' continued working until Britain’s timber imports returned to pre-war levels. By July 1946 it had disbanded and most of its members returned home to Canada.

Code: 61250